Business research with statistical applications: textbook and guidebook for doing and writing research

Te ( Te, Danilo M. )
Sabanal ( Sabanal, Divina V. )
Castro ( Castro, Jovelyn )
Lelis ( Lelis, Christhoffer P. )
ENTREP  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
REX Book Store, Philippines 
xiv, 196 pages 
Teaching business research subject and doing business research are two different but related activities. The business research concepts are best exemplified through their actual applications in business research. We, the writers of this book, are also business research teachers and researchers. Our normal problem in teaching business research subject is always the same-finding the right business research book that would capture the essence of research concepts and their actual business applications in one book. The available books, most of them written by foreign authors, do not capture the things that we want in one book. For us to be able to capture the concepts and applications would mean using several books, which would be burdensome, aside from being costly, for our students. Thus, the main objective of writing this book is to fuse basic research concepts with how they are applied in practice (applied business research), and yet allow it also to serve as a basic business research book for the academe, for use by college students, in general and by MBA students, in particular. This book, then, could be used as a guidebook and a textbook at the same time.

This book contains five parts. Part 1 is an introduction to business research, which discusses the difference between basic business research and applied business research, and the kinds of business research (quantitative and qualitative). It also covers the format and structure of business research. Part 2 covers the measurement, application, and interpretation of business research. It also includes the design of a good questionnaire. This part shows how to present the demographic profile and findings of a descriptive research. Part 3 explains the advance application and interpretation of multivariate tools: Factor Analysis (FA) and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA). Part 4 provides the discussion on how to formulate conclusions and recommendations. Finally, Part 5 covers formatting and fine-tuning of the manuscript or business report. 
Newsprint ; Ill. ; 26 cm
Includes bibliographic references  
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