Mother tongue-based multilingual education: guide for teacher educators and students

Young ( Young, Catherine )
Rosero ( Rosero, Michael Wilson )
McEachern ( McEachern, Firth )
Skoropinski ( Skoropinski, Xinia R. )
Dekker ( Dekker, Diane )
Giron ( Giron, Paraluman R. )
Fojo ( Fojo, Ofelia O. )
Japson ( Japson, Magdalena R. )
Bañez ( Bañez, Ruby Catherine G. )
Corpuz ( Corpuz, Brenda B. )
EDUC  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
viii, 222 pages 
This Resource Book on MTBMLE is written by MTBMLE experts for would-be MTBMLE experts. It is intended for basic education teachers and teacher educators in Mother Tongue for both undergraduate and graduate levels. it is an authoritative and practical guide for those involved in language teaching especially the subject, Mother Tongue in grades 1 and 2. It provides background and technical information on the main issues raised about MTBMLE. It is a practical tool likewise for policymakers to facilitate their informed participation in language decision-making processes. it makes MTBMLE work for teachers, teacher educators and policymakers.

This Resource Book consists of Nine chapters. It is developed in accordance with Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) principles. To ensure focused teaching, each chapter begins with the learning outcomes and ends with assessment tasks aligned to the outcomes to determine the extent to which the intended learning outcomes have been realized. In addition to substantial input on the content of the chapter are activities for application of concepts learned for meaningful and mastery learning.

Chapter 1 gives an overview of language policy and practice in education around the world. It provides an overview of dominant historical trends and present-day patterns. It also highlights policy/practice at different stages of Philippine history and contextualizes the same with global language-in-education trends.

Chapter 2 defines language, its origin and functions. It discusses the building blocks of grammar: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and gives examples in the Philippine setting. It presents the languages of the world, their distribution and relations. It highlights the Philippine languages, their classification, number, and sub-groups. lt likewise discusses language change and language variety. It explains language as dynamic. Only dead languages cease to change. The implications for using mother tongue in classrooms does not have to be super deep, ancient “preserved” version of the mother tongue. Teachers can recognize borrowed words from other language and also recognize there may be dialectical differences across a language. The chapter ends with the definitions of terminologies such as mother tongue, first language, native language, heritage language, lingua franca. It also differentiates dialect from language with examples in the Philippine setting.

Chapter 3 is a discussion on the prevalence and characteristics of multilingualism; sociolinguistic features of Philippines, multilingual patterns in

the Philippines and their social implications. It includes an explanation of the DepEd’s guidelines, DO. 16 s. 2012 in multilingual areas.

Chapter 4 is devoted to a discussion on first language (L1) acquisition theories, second language (L2) acquisition theories and the theories on touched upon in DepEd MTBMLE trainings as gleaned from DepEd Orders such as DedEd Order 18 s. 2011. The implications of these theories to medium of instruction complete the chapter.

Chapter 5 is on the different models of MTBMLE. It presents case studies of MTBMLE experiments, projects, and programs with emphasis on Philippine examples.

It discusses the prerequisites of a successful MTBMLE program and how DepEd’s model as described in various documents such as DO 74.
s. 2009, DO 16. s. 2012 can be adjusted or adapted to different Philippine contexts to be more flexible.

Chapter 6 presents the underlying theories and principles that support the use of appropriate instructional strategies in the Integrated Language arts Curriculum, in general, and of the Mother Tongued-Based Multilingual Education (MTBMLE) Curriculum, in particular; DepEd’s MTBMLE framework; the different language and literacy domains in the context of the DepEd Integrated Language Arts Curriculum in K to 12; instruction for oral language development in the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTBMLE) curriculum; teaching reading in the mother tongue with focus on the key domains, such as, phonological awareness, concepts about print, alphabet knowledge, phonics and word recognition, vocabulary development fluency, and comprehension; and teaching writing in the mother tongue.

Chapter 7 is about developing communicative competence in the Mother Tongue while Chapter 8 is on planning and executing Mother Tongue-Based lessons. A number of specific strategies or activities are described to add to MTBMLE teachers’ and teacher educators’ repertoire of teaching strategies

Chapter 9 dwells on the historical development of language policy in the Philippines and the legal bases of MTBMLE. The activities For DEEPENING and MASTERY include issues raised regarding MTBMLE implementation in the Philippines. 
Illustration ; 26 cm ; Newsprint
Includes bibliographic reference 
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