The law on transfer and business taxation (with illustrations, problems, solutions)

De Leon ( De Leon, Hector S. )
De Leon ( De Leon, Hector M., Jr. )
ENTREP  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
REX Book Store, Philippines 
xxx, 621 pages 
Military, tax, trade & industrial law 
The field of taxation has been growing continuously both in substance and importance. In recent years, the demand for greater sources of revenue to cope with the widely expanding services of the government (particularly in such areas as education, health, housing, employment, agrarian reforms, and social security) has been felt more than ever before. Taxation is not only an effective tool in carrying out the national objective of social and economic growth in & developing nation like the Philippines; it also plays & very vital role in building the solid foundation of our democratic structure.

A continuing tax education and information tax program to improve the level of tax consciousness among our taxpayers and the public in general has become essential in view of findings that much of the governments difficulties in the collection of taxes stem from the apparent lack of knowledge or awareness on the part of many of our people of existing tax laws, rules, and regulations.

The authors, therefore, in offering this volume Which is now the 16th edition, on transfer and business taxes Which incidentally constitute & major source of revenue for the government, honestly feel that they contribute in their humble way in the current effort to make our citizenry tax-conscious.

Upon first impression, taxation in all its ramifications may appear to be complex and abstruse. However, it is believed that tax laws may be presented in & simplified and abbreviated manner without sacrificing the proper scope so that they may be readily comprehended by & wide range of readers. It is with this aim in mind that this modest work has been prepared. Thus, while intended primarily as & textbook in colleges and universities, it has been designed likewise to serve as & useful reference or guide not only to tax officials and practitioners but also to the young businessmen and the ordinary taxpayers who have no previous background on the subject.

It will be noticed that in many cases the book does not limit itself to a mere discussion or explanation of theoretical principles and rules on transfer and business taxation. Illustrations, tax computations, and solutions to hypothetical tax problems are also supplied to further facilitate understanding of the law. 
Monograph ; Newsprint ; 23 cm 
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