Writing project: Feasibility study

Aduana ( Aduana, Nick L. )
ENTREP  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
C&E Publishing, Inc., Philippines 
xii, 208 pages 
General management 
Businesses, ranging from small and medium enterprises to those with billion-dollar or peso capital base, are sporadically sprouting around the world. But few stay for more than a decade or two, and still some are grasping their last financial breath. Those that exist longer and have gained competitive advantage over competitors started right by carefully evaluating new business opportunities and challenges brought about by the ever changing business world.

The preparation of a project feasibility study before opening a business endeavor has proven to provide more benefits and serve as a catalyst for business success. However, conducting a feasibility study is not easy as 'ordinarily perceived. A lot of interrelated technical, marketing, and quantitative analyses are painstakingly undertaken to come up with the final conclusion that the project may appear viable from all areas of the study.

This text may serve as a simple guide in conducting a feasibility study. Preparation does not happen overnight, and the combined "effort of several individuals with expertise in their specific areas of specialization is necessary in coming up with a technically-sound feasibility study.

The six major sections of a feasibility study - project summary, market study, technical study, management study, financial study and socio-economic study - are sequentially arranged and discussed in this book to present their interrelated relationships and importance.

Corollary guide questions are also included in every section in addition to the basic issue that must be definitely resolved. The test of viability in every study is clearly indicated to direct the proponent so he or she will not get lost in the voluminous quantitative analysis. Also, higher order thinking skill is necessary in the preparation because of several analytical and planning tools adopted in the process. 
Illustration; Newsprint ; 220 cm
Includes bibliographic index 
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