Developmental reading 2

Marquez ( Marquez, Servillano T. )
Casela ( Casela, Neliza C. )
EDUC  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
x, 176 pages 
Emergent literacy is viewed in this book as the natural and active process of constructing meaning of young‘ learners which is facilitated by interactive and child-centered classrooms for reading instruction. Further, this book significantly recognizes children as emergent readers and emergent writers as they take literacy information from their home and as they naturally develop their learning prior to any kind of formal instruction. Literacy provided by the family is the one which the emergent learners bring with them as they enter formal schooling. Likewise, this home literacy must be the basis of formal instruction as the school and teachers provide meaningful opportunities for these emergent children to enrich their literacy. Thus, collaboration of parents and teachers is highly recommended so that, both the home and the school, which are rich literacy environments can provide positive interaction and can facilitate early literacy.

Thus, this book, Developmental Reading 2, will provide pre-service teachers with practicals perspectives of children’s literacy through actual observations of their behavior both at home when these children interact with their families and in the school as they interact with their classmates. Sample lesson plans which can be modified to suit the skills and needs of the children are also provided in many of the lessons.

The Four-Pronged Approach is explicitly illustrated to help pre-service teachers guide children in their beginning reading and maximize their reading experience. Lessons on Genuine Love for Reading (GLR), Critical and Creative Thinking (CT), Grammar and Oral Language Development (GOLD), and Transfer Stage (TS) are also well explained to allow application of knowledge in various meaningful literacy activities.

This book on Developmental Reading 2 (BEED Stream) aims to align teacher education with the CHED-prescribed new teacher education curriculum that is reflective of the National ~ Competency-Based Teacher Standards with the end view of contributing to the formation of the ideal professional teacher as concretely described in the seven integrated domains of the teaching and learning process. The activities at the end of the lessons were intended not only for drill .and evaluative purposes but also for the purposes of advocacy for current trends in education such as reflective education, multiple intelligences, multicultural education, interactive and brain-based teaching, authentic assessment and the bridging of the gap between theory and practice. 
Newsprint ; Ill. ; 26 cm
Includes bibliographic references 
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